maanantai 7. huhtikuuta 2014

Kolme kotia

Koti Newportissa - A Home in Newport, USA

Kuvat: Jacqueline Marque

Värikäs koti - A Colorful Home

 Kuvat: Anja Garienchik

Koti myytävänä Paraisilla - A Home for Sale in Finland


2 kommenttia:

  1. wonderful!!!! love it!!!!
    Hello...could you change the link to my blog? Mechant Design become MechantStudioBlog:
    Thanks sweetie ;)

  2. Hi Cez!! I have now tried to change the link many times, but it doesn't work:( It links the whole time back to the old site despite the new linkaddress. I shall try some more times tomorrow, but if it still don't work, I don't know what to do:(:(
