Muuttaisitko Eiffel-tornin juurelle?
Mielenkiintoisia valokuvatapetteja seinille löytyy ruotsalaiselta Mr Perswallilta.
Interesting photo art for walls from the Swedish company Mr Perswall.
Mielenkiintoisia valokuvatapetteja seinille löytyy ruotsalaiselta Mr Perswallilta.
Interesting photo art for walls from the Swedish company Mr Perswall.
Tarja Kankaanpää-Salonen
Tunnisteet: tapetteja, valokuvatapetteja
5 kommenttia:
it couldnt get more realistic than this !!
I think the airplane looks even scary!
haha ! i wonder whether i can have such wallpapers applied at my home sometime ! alas, wallpapers are not at all suitable given the weather conditions over here.. :(
:( somebody shoud invent a new material for wallpapers over there or a better glue...:)
i'd agree with the first half :) we do have better glue out here, but not better weather to support that glue !!
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