tiistai 9. tammikuuta 2007

Joulu ohi!

Niin ihanaa kun onkin somistaa koti joulutunnelmaan, yhtä ihanaa on joulutavaroiden pois siivoaminen. Punaisesta väristä on tässä vaiheessa saanut jo ihan tarpeekseen!
Aloitin "joulufiilistelyn" marraskuun alussa kun pidin kolmen illan kurssin joulutunnelman luomisesta kotiin. Nyt toivoo vain, että toivottavasti seuraava joulu ei tule yhtä nopeasti kuin viime joulu sitä edellisen joulun jälkeen...

X'mas is over in our house for this season! I started with the x'mas decoration already in the nowenber, so I had enough of x'mas at this point. I couldn't wait for the so called "Nuuttis day" which is on the 13. and the official "x'mas is over-day"!
I took some pictures where I have packed down my hallway and kitchen decoration. Then I took a picture of the last cookies. This year I was a little bit lazy and bought the cookiedough. I usually use my greatgreatgreatgrandmothers cookierecipe. They are extraordinarily good! My mother always
had to hide the x'mas cookies from us when we were children. We always, of course, found them! One year she managed to hide them so well that we didn't find them at all. Even years after she never said where she had hid them...

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